Friday, March 25, 2011

Time flies...

Double Trouble

Addie wearing her Univ. of Indiana sweatshirt- compliments of cousin Lincoln

Time flies when you are busy as a bee! Since my last post at the beginning of March we have been going from one thing to the next. I was in deep preparation for the spring talent show through the beginning of March and that went off with a bang on Mar. 18th. We drew in more acts this year and more people for the show! The tickets sales at the door were $1100!!! (at only $5 a ticket) Each show, the staff comes together and does a "Judges Deliberation" act. This year my bright idea was to bring back the Supremes and the Temptations! I myself was Florence from the Supremes with two of my other coworkers taking the roles of Diana and Mary. Since I was the only one that had blonde hair and the others had dark, I decided that I had to find a wig. After the show, Addie's first words to me were, "Mommy, the black hair was eww. I was like, Oh my gosh Mommy- that short curly black hair does not look good!" Haha, I had to laugh. She hadn't seen me in my wig prior to the show so she was quite suprised. Black is definitely not my color- my grandmother and mom have seconded that opinion, but it made the part!

Finding the five Temptations was no small battle! Getting five men to play this part was awful! They would just not committ, no matter how much pleading and begging I did. BUT persistence pays off and I was able to con my two administrators, the middle school administrator, the art teacher, and the guidance counselor to play the part. We stole the show! :0) I am sure that I will have pictures to add to this soon. Maybe even the video! You just had to see it!

Other must be a selling month for the Gordon's. We decided to sell the Explorer and get a new car- ONLY if we were able to get enough on the Explorer to pay it off and the truck to leave us with one car payment. The cards were in our favor! We sold the Explorer to Carmax, bought a new 2011 Dodge Durango, and were able to pay off the little we had left on both the explorer and truck- not to mention getting a car payment $100 less than the Explorer was. I am enjoying my new ride! So much smoother with the SUV being built on a car chassy rather than a truck! Strongly recommend them if you are in the market for a new car!

The new car- surrounded by everything under the sun! :0)

Dealership pictures since I am too lazy today to back my car out of the garage! haha

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